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2022-06-21 - 7:17 p.m.

If Third Position groups from Earth in the early to early mid 20th century (like French Popular Party and the Strasserists) had an affiliate party with intelligent life extraterrestrial branches on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes (lets call those third position group’s affiliates Alter Martyima Vctupugytqwk Exo , Labour Party UK to the co operative party co op is like Third position groups from Earth ie FPP and Strasserism to Alter Martyima Vctupugytqwk)

and I was born and raised on those planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes in that time period I would say and do the following. I would have said the same exact things about those Third Position groups' intelligent life extraterrestrial branch groups on those other planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes that Father Coughlin said about similar evil and fascist groups in Europe in the 1930s and early 1940s on his radio broadcasts.

I'd also have the same relationships with those intelligen



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