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2022-06-21 - 7:52 p.m.

Every Jewish NDSAP member-officer from our reality was non anti semetic, non semetic and a mix of post zionist and Canaanist (Caananism movement) throughout the 1940s while also being neutral lean toxic support for Jewish assimilation movements in the 1940s and 1950s (trying to get their fellow Jews to assimilate into their countries like they once did in France according to Paula Hyman) in other realities (in alternate realities where they never were NDSAP members-officers, never were anti semetic and never did anything that Cannanism movement members from our reality would not view as anti Jewish).

I retroactively view those alternate reality Jewish, non anti semetic, non semetic, Caananist-post zionist people and their actions within that alternate reality (including within the Cannanism movement etc) who in our reality were NDSAP members-officers, as apolitical lean unintentionally sympathetic Villain in name only Protagonists .I totally condemn the our reality version of them and all murderers and fascists however for obvious reasons.

in realities where Lost (Northern) tribes (10 tribes) of Israel and non lost (Southern) tribes (2 tribes) of Israel (Judea) retroactively switched places where the lost northern tribes of Israel had the non lost southern tribe of Israel from our reality’s history and vice versa.
The ‘Jewish’ NDSAP in that alternate history would have been descended from the non lost northern tribes of Israel ie modern jewish tribes of that reality who in our reality were the lost northern tribes of israel

NDSAP in that alternate history was called NRCWB
. the modern jews in that alternate history were called Tao Heako Oattocosx. saurian for yiddish name for lost 10tribes little red jews. mixed up: tathata (word tips generator mix up) ‘ alternate reality 45366 version : non semetic, part of the Canaanism Movement throughout the 1940s and also part of pro Jewish assimilation movements in the 1940s and 1950s (trying to get their fellow Jews to assimilate into their countries like they once did in France according to Paula Hyman)



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