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2023-01-31 - 12:54 a.m.

Based on this article

Justin's clarification is nuts and people eat it up, since it just amounts to him saying "state sanctioned means of protest are good. non-state sanctioned means of protest are dangerous". Golly gee, I wonder if the state has any incentive to sanction and encourage ineffectual means of protest. Freaking rubes.

Yes the freedom convoy was blocking international borders preventing trade and annoying the whole city of Ottawa. Yes they didn’t allow people sleep for weeks due to their incessant honking. Yes in Alberta they tried to be gun toting cowboys like in the wild Wild West. But the freedom convoy was still a protest. Maybe if the freedom convoy protesters held up signs saying 'my body my choice' or took a knee Justin would have supported it?

Though Justin isn't being hypocritical if you see his thinking as him opposing the freedom convoy since that convoy hurt the economy in Canada but him supporting the China anti lockdown protests is because he rightfully sees those lockdowns as human rights violations. Though Justin being consistent here can be seen as consistent as him dressing up in blackface for his friends, and then using BLM instead of truly supporting their aims

Though wouldn't Justin agreeing with China's government be more beneficial to the Canadian economy?

Though a few years ago, yes. A shitlib (Joe Biden) is back in control of the White House which means that trade wars with China are really a good thing now. Even Donald Trump’s poorly thought out tariffs that were seen as bad and absolutely ineffective are now a nuanced and vital part of US-Chinese relations.

Politics selects for statesmanship and ruthlessness, not ideals.

Though if anyone is hypocritical it is business magazines like the Financial Times, The Economist etc who put out articles every few days fuming about China's zero co-viid policy since those policies negatively affected supply chains. It's sort of comical seeing normie (western) social media recognize the hypocrisy over the MSM coverage of China's protests compared to their coverage of domestic protests. The CDN to these western media is an economic zone must be protected at all cost.

"Ottawa Citizen: Canadian bank CEOs told Freeland that 'Freedom Convoy' made Canada a 'joke'

The Emergencies Act response wasn't about safety, public order, or ear piercing truck horns, as much as it was about the fact that some bank CEOs were sad.

Though with the freedom convoy, the premiers of Ontario and Alberta asked Justin Trudeau for the help The issue wasn’t Canada having an overreaching government. The issue is the convoy wrote an MOU declaring themselves the government of Canada. They were seen by some unsympathetic Canadians as blocking trade and the truckers they said they were there supporting. In Alberta, they were seen by some to go further than that like with weapons to have a shoot ‘em up with the police. So I guess depending on your perspective it could go both ways with the freedom convoy

It's different since there was a neo n4z1 flag at that one freedom convou protest. Also, Canada has to send weapons and money to Ukrainians with 1488 tattoos.

Nope! The protests in Canada and China were not the same! Debaunked! They didn't actually weld persons into their homes! China = bad; Canada = good! Faux news! There was no point in being upset at the restrictions in Canada since it might have been worse! Fascist! The existence of any particular thing worse elsewhere is to say that everything that happens in Canada is a-okay and wonderful and not the time and effort of being upset over! source here /s

It doesn't matter that someone couldn't access their bank account for bail money since it was frozen by the government imprisioning them! Doesn't make a difference that Canadian banks might never allow these protesters to own a home ever! Did you see a welder? Thought so, nerd. (Source)

It's the same with all bourgeois dictatorships using the nebulous label of "Democracy".

Maybe its not hypocrisy with Justin being against the freedom convoy protests in Canada while supporting the ones in China ,maybe it is just Canadian Exceptionalism (or western hypocrisy). Or Canada like all shitlibs has a political position which basically comes down to 'only stuff i agree with shall be allowed' there is no reason to try and discuss beyond that.

The mental gymnastics and hand wringing about Canada and how they see China's protests as different than the freedom convoy is crazy. They think since there was a general approval for lockdowns and mandates (which got pretty overreaching) that Canadian freedom convoy protests was still an "unjust occupation" or some b.s

Isn’t the difference between the freedom convoy protests in Canada and anti lockdown protests China simply about how much of the peace was disturbed?

I don’t think the freedom convoy protests are bringing numerous people to one city center who stay overnight and are getting drunk, blocking streets, honking etc. I think that there was a more inherent negative bias to the freedom convoy based off of political views yet in my understanding some civilians in Ottawa were frustrated due to the disturbances.

And, everyone has fine and cringe people at protests thats the way it goes but some Canadians never have been scoulded for wearing a face covering outside and called bigoted slurs by freedom people convoy in some of their towns so if that aspect was present in the freedom convoy it makes a difference at the time that the general public and the protest starts to meet head one.

People get pretty super pissed off at old growth protests which stifle roads despite several Canadians agreeing that preserving nature is good. That is not toe say that the emergency act was the correct thing to do but the China protests seem much more meek in contrast to the freedom convoy.

Yet the freedom convoy protests at the end of the day are still nothing compared to the protests in Venezuela, for instance, that the shitlibs did support.

Phil Ochs said it best:

"In every American community, you have varying shades of political opinion. One of the shadiest of these is the liberals. An outspoken group on many subjects. Ten degrees to the left of center in good times, ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally." - 1966

Justin is saying he supports the anti lockdown protests in China, because no one is pressing him on the specifics.

Trudeau had no problem going after India for the methods they used to handled the farmer protests in their country and mention the farmers plus their cause.

But he won't do so in this situation.

They should ask Justin the supports the co veed policy driven protests in China, since that's what they're protesting for.

It's so odd seeing Canadians ditching their right to protest to spite other people for protesting

All they had to do was cast them as Canada's January 6ers and it was done. Some people would let have anything be done to them after that. Canadians have the government they deserve

Imagine if Justin has his bank accounts frozen and him labeled as a terrorist for supporting the anti lockdown protests in China. Imagine how quick he would then sympathize with the freedom convoyers in retrospect if that occurred

90% of the lure of the Freedom Convoy was seeing who it was triggering. The bedshitting shitlib temper tantrum was pure Viagra. (Sadly though it didn't do any lasting damage to the neoliberal economic system)

Does Justin know he would come off as a hypocrite and give ammunition to my enemies by rightfully supporting the anti lockdown protests in China? Obviously not

Nonsense, though Justin knows damn well all that. He simply knows that the bigoted masses will slurp it all up and use it as license number 3494034 for hate. It doesn't have to make sense or be consistent, it only needs to give blokes an excuse.

It’s not hypocritical Justin's Canada freedom convoy China anti lockdown view difference though. Canada didn’t lock people in their homes like in China. Canada relatively merely reduced restaurants and businesses filling up and made Canadian citizens stay home if you had the virus while pushing for mandated masks. Canada's lockdowns no matter how cringe they were wasn’t anything at all like China.

That hypocrisy simply assigns a value to the people. Justin Trudeau for Canadian lockdown since he earnestly believes such measures saves the Canadian people. He's rightfully against Chinese lockdowns regardless of the medical peril for them since it threatens his supply of clown makeup and milk bags and Horton cups.

I may not have the complete picture, but the Canadian lockdown was a heck of a lot different than literally welding people into their freaking apartment buildings like in China

I'd like to see Justin Trudeau asked if any future pandemic could justify China type lockdowns in Canada

Though maybe the "Freedom Convoy" was really an anti-vax protest, and not a an anti-lockdown protest as in China's case. So if that is true, then to compare the freedom convoy protesters to the protesters in China is technically misguided and offbase. The convoy was whatever people hoped that it was. People on social media who weren't Canadian saw it different than Canadians for instance.

Anyway if we assume the China and Canadian protests were similar and Justin is a hypocrite supporting China's anti lockdown protesters and trashing Canada's freedom convoy protesters, then we must say that Justin Trudeau has always flip flopped like he did here (supporting China's anti lockdown protesters but being against the freedom convoy protesters). Clearly politicians are opportunistic, but Justin is exceptionally so

I'll reiterate. It's hard though to compare what happened in Canada (where the most drastic measure was a provincial curfew which had exceptions) with what's taking place in China (people being literally chained inside their apartment buildings). If people can't see the differences in severity here, or if they can't infer which one is "softer", they are either ignorant by design or mentally broken. Or simply brainwashed by Chinese propaganda.

Though minor nitpick but Canada did literally give in to the US's ban of the unvaxxed entering the US. (along with other 'minor inconveniences' within Canada imposed by Justin such as flying, bussing or traveling by train inside of Canada etc)

Yet a few Canadians were trapped in that b.s hole due to them being injected with a vaxx that wasn't on the shortlist.

Mock that all you want, it was unacceptable. Some of those particular Canadians have family abroad, you know, people they care about and want to see.

I do not go all in in equating anti vaxx passport demonstrations in Canada with the zero virus policy imprisonments in China. We can criticize Justin Trudeau all the way. But his so called hypocricy is not the win we think it is, unless we think kicking truckers out of Ottawa is the same level of bad as inprisoning people for weeks on end for testing positive.



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