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2023-01-31 - 12:54 a.m. communism or shitliberalssay

I find having virus victims names on the Victims of Communism memorial is more logical than having the vast majority of the non virus victims names on the Victims of Communism who died in so called communist countries or at the hands of so called communists. Of course this memorial shouldn’t exist in the first place

This is lol affable. Capitalist bootlickers shouting drivel.

I can already picture how it’s going end up being in 20 years; seeing myself arguing with people over alleged crime committed by the Communists. They’ll whine whataboutery. History is simply history there's no disputing on fact. 'Whataboutery' is the weak spot of a weak narrative.

Tally of Historical Victims of Communism:

Every person hit by lightning in the USSR between 1917 and 1992

That German fascist dictator from the 1930s and 1940s

Dudes who downed too much vodka and crashed their cars into bridges

Those who were killed by Ronald Reagan's death squads. Had such victims not been filthy commies Ronald wouldn't have killed them

The victims of the Bengal famine based on something yata yata huge government /s

The fact that they believe these fascist conspiracy theories tells me all that I need to know about them.

This takes me back to the so-called Holodomor, with Joseph Stalin causing his own people to die of starvation... Same thing

If the Victims of Communism memorial people believe the baseless theory of China using co vid as a bioweapon (I say this because the names on the memorial have victims of co vid on it), I have to ask one question:

Why would any country/person make a sh**ty bioweapon (like co vid) with three strains? Oh um, they don't do that... No one engineered it. They can and do evolve and mutate in mere minutes.

In the US, which has on record gained the highest diagnosed and mortality rates, they stupidly blame containment and failures on China and the CCP and not the evident depravities of the capital and its ruling class



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