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2002-07-05 - 11:18 p.m.

Today was good,got up had breakfeast then i took my pill and went online,I was surfing the net for pics of 4901 and january 02 and keeping busy.I printed some of them out After awhile online it was time for dinner i came down and ate and showed my parents my pics then they went on the computer so i was looking at some pics downstairs(and found some old reals)i also took my pill then i went back up briefly and the cpu room smelt smokey like it did in sep 98 and aug 00,i then put my headphones out and listened to my music since it was cool out(69 degrees with a nice breeze)i listened to shape of my hart and otown(fll99atm+fll98atm+41001atm+80scommtheme)i was listening to it as the sun set and looking foward to fall,after awhile outside i got more weird atm,i listened also on the side of the house and then my sonic music,the ghetto girl next door put her stadium lights so to speak on so i sat on my step listening after 2 hours i came in and went upstairs and ate my sour skittles I heard about ted Williams dying i also looked at some younger pics of myself while looking at my 4901 calagoue and eating my snack upstairs I also paid a credit card bill online with my mom,then i watched my shows and went to bed.



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