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2002-07-11 - 11:02 p.m.

Today was good got up had breakfeast and went online i also took my pill.Today was my last english 010 class and I was finishing up practice essays my mom told me to do.I finished some and I surfed the net awhile.Soon enough it was time for dinner I came downstairs and ate while watching my pokemon and ugio.Then i got my stuff ready and washed up.After that I took my pill and me and my mom were off.On the way I was listening to my smash mouth lp my mom was wishing me goodluck a few times.Soon enough i got to college i was relieved she knew i worked hard at this course,i went in and got my previous essay back and I got a B on it I was so happy I felt like jumping around and dancing but I didnt i got my mike n ikes and went back in he handed out our final essay and we began,it was on fears we have to overcome i tried 90%,it wasnt too hard and it took me til we had 5 minutes left to finish it and I did i handed it in and said goodbye,then since it was only 730 I walked around mcc,it was a beautiful campus.I started on the west end looking at the road(4901)then I very calmly walked towards the east,past the bookstore i was very relived and i walked to my old biology hall and I actually was happy and relived to see it again,i went in and even got a soda and i walked around it a few times and went out and stared at the east end of the campus,then i walked around alittle more and called my dad on my cell to pick me up,then i got back and my dad drove me home,i told him i tried,i was so happy.We got home and I went upstairs(it was dark upstairs)and I lit the stuff up and watched WWE smackdown from A.c and saints nfl yearbook,it was intresting i enjoyed it i had a soda my mom was proud of my effort.After smackdown i had a few snacks then i watched nick at nite,drew and got washed up as i logged off and my mom went on.Then i went to bed.



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