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2002-08-12 - 11:15 p.m.

Today was good got up around 11am came down and had pop tarts for breakfeast.THen i took my pill and went upstairs online to,I tried to remember some march incidents,then i came downstairs and brought the garbage and papers out.I also skimmed the pool before going back online,soon enough my dad came home,we greeted him,i then had to write another practice essay for my mom which i did in 30 minutes about cryonics.After my essay i remained online til dinner,i came down.for dinner we had turkey and cranberries and mashed potatos,it was pretty good,i ate it while watching the Dolphins Nfl yearbook.After dinner i went online alittle while,then i came down and watched sportscenter with my dad and had pleaseant sports convos with him for the next 40 minutes,then i took my pill and went back online.After awhile online(8ish)i put my bathing suit on and went in the pool,it was soothing,private and i loved hearing the millions of crickets in the tree,i swam around(my mom put the back light on)and soaked up the atmosphere(413024901899atm)i swam around the pool for 40 minutes i came out briefly got my headphones(caught alittle 7h)and went back in all in all i was in the pool an hour,then i got out dried off got changed and I watched WWE raw,it was a solid show,i watched the main event while eating popcorn and my mom had me do some mtv thing online,then i ate my sour skittles and i watched a cosby show marathon on nick at nite.Then i had to go downstairs to catch a cricket for my mom which was i the dining room then i went to bed.



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