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2002-07-06 - 11:10 p.m.

Today was good I got up earlier since my dad's friend Gene was over helping my dad do some fixups around the house,so i greeted gene.We were trying to put in the new air conditoner so I me,my dad and Gene lifted the air conditoner up on a few occasions but to no avail my mom was up to.Gene is middle aged but he acts like he is a teen as he was making some jokes with us.Soon enough he left then I had breakfeast took my pill and went online,while online i was doing nick at nite stuff for my 5yr lists(lineups etc)I logged off and my mom and me went to the haircut place in sayrewoods,i went in and my mom new the guy who does hair he gave me a routine caeser cut it was my 6th year in a row going there.Then my mom and me got back home and i went back online,Around 4pm I was surfing for pics of 4901 and completing my 4901 calogue and paintshopping pics,then dinner was ready i came down and ate and took my pill and i went back online,then my parents decided to take our ride so after listening to my music i packed my stuff(including the calage)and we left,on the way i was listening to my smash mout while reading my calage,we stop at my grandmom k's house to drop off something,my parents go in and i cave and go in before i do for the third time today i notice a fire smell but i had no idea where it was from,i greet her and show her my new haircut then i get a soda and soon enough my parents and i leave.We go to Sewaren and Amboy as usual it was relaxing then we get home,i go upstairs online and watch my shows i also take a bath,then i work out write and fall asleep.



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