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2002-07-30 - 11:55 p.m.

Today was good got up came down and had breakfeast then I took my pill and then I was looking at some younger pics of myself before going online,online i surfed for child's play stuff,I also brought the cans and buckets to the curb,after awhile online my dad came home,I remained online surfing til dinner i came down ate while watching my shows then i took my pill and looked at more young pics of myself,then i convinced my mom to take me to blockbuster so i could get Royal Rumble 2000 so we left,when i got in i looked around awhile and then found the Wrestling movies in the special intrest section(thanks to the help of an employee)i picked out Royal Rumble 2000 and Shallow Hal then i picked out 2 mentos and my mom and me waited online,my mom talked to this mother who was with her 15yr old girl,i didnt want my mom to tell her anything about me then my mom and me went,when i got home(aug99july99atm)i watched Shallow hal,their was a brief problem my with my mom and the computer anyway Shallow Hal was a witty,typical Farely Brothers comedy,i ate it while eating my Mentos and someother snack then i watched Royal Rumble 2000,i went upstairs and cleared the air with my mom peacefully then i went in my room and almost got rid of my stale oreos(sep99july99completeatm)then i went downstairs and continued to watch royal rumble 2000,it was peaceful i finished my last pack of mentos and watched every match until the royal rumble itself,then i shut it off went upstairs and watched nick at nite and some other shows then as i was falling asleep i was listening to 80s stevie wonder songs in my head,then i fell asleep.



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