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2002-02-10 - 11:21 p.m.

Today was good got up,washed up and my dad and me headed for church,mass went good and when i got home i ate the hotcakes we bought,today was the nba allstar which i sort of was looking foward to,i went online and listened to more jingles from that 80s tv themes site.After alittle while online my mom woke up and I took my pill.Then i went back to my 80s tv theme site.Then I came down and had dinner and I watched the Nba All Star game 2002,it was alittle exciting and intresting seeing Kobe dominating the East all stars,I also took my pill and went up and watched alittle more before going back to my 80s tv theme site to listen to more jingles,after awhile i got off and watched some tv,after awhile I logged off and my mom went on,i watched my tv shows,wacked,worked out for awhile doing curls and chest excercises then i went to sleep.



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