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2002-06-16 - 11:31 p.m.

Today was good got up early,me and my dad got ready and went to church,mass went good,we got hotcakes which i ate at home,after breakfeast i went online and surfed around a bit,then my mom woke up,i came down and took my pill and remained online surfing the net and doing 5yr list stuff.I listened to some music on cdnow and i got off to do more 5yr writing in my book.Alittle while later dinner was ready,I came down and ate and took my pill then i went back online for a while.After suring around the net alittle bit i found this 80scartoon theme site,so i listen and I listened to alvin and the chmpmnks theme,tmnt theme,muppet babies theme,dennis theme and it brought me back to when i was a kid in the 80s watching those cartoons,it was very nostoligic,i listened to the themes for maybe 2 hours,then i got off and listened to some updated music online and in my headset,then i watched this special on Eminem's marshall mathers lp on Vh1,i went back online and listened alittle more before coming downstairs,getting a snack and going back upstairs(lt80sstrdyamcrtnnatm),after awhile of watching tv my mom went online so i logged off and i then watched alittle nick at nite before playing my diddy kong racing,i played it alittle while and afterwards my mom went down and i watched this special on studio 51 while eating Jolly Ranchers,then i stopped and soon enough i fell asleep.



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