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2001-07-17 - 11:51 p.m.

Today was good got up at aroun 1130am went downstairs and had my cocoa pebbles cereal for breakfeast.Then i went back upstairs and lyed down a bit(bloated so i took bloating medicine)then i went online.I went to my usual sites and updated some stuff,then i had to hang some clothes up.Took my pill,then I started to play my zelda mm game,i first was doing the great bay dungeon fairy thing,it took me awhile but i eventually did it and got a few heart pieces I also brought the green garbage back in the yard and helped my mom move her mattress so she could clean under her bed.My dad came home i said hi.Then I quit(around 2am)caz I was tired,i didnt get a lot of sleep caz im looking foward to the Jp3 movie and NSYNC album plus thinking about returning to college,plus my medication makes me more tired,so i was resting and i went online,nothing worked.So my dad fell asleep and my mom went to the store so i took some sunrider golden seal,turns out i wasnt getting enough vitamins after drinking a cup of this stuff(you mix it with water)i felt 100 times better and energetic.So i went online and got more heart pieces in my Zelda mm game.Then i watched some trl and surfed the net,i also had some cookies and milk and went outside for a sec.I wacked off and then decided to watch some tv(pokemon,etc,nba today)around 5pm i went back online til dinner.I also came downstairs to talk sports with my dad.I came down,took my pill.I hung around downstairs talking about jp3 with my folks and sports.First i had salad it was good i ate it and went online for a sec,then came down got set up and had this seasoned chicken and fries they were good.I made a pitstop in the jon then finished my food while watching sabrina,then i watched the fresh prince.I then came back upstairs,watched alittle bit of friends and now i am online.Well i was online alittle while then around 8pm I started to watch friends on Nbc,then i came downstairs and along with my parents i listened to the big brother 2 telecast,then i came back upstairs and watched the end of Friends,then me and my mom left for Drug Fair while Frasier was starting,I was listening to my blink music on the way.We got there i went in first i loaded the sodas into the cart,then my mom and me went by the summer wear section and while she is looking i spotted some Jp3 toys which really got me pumped up for the movie!I was also happy to see the Dilopasaurus returned in this jp movie,then me and my mom headed in the makeup section but these 2 guys walked by and i was embarrased i was in the woman's section so i bolted then came back,my mom paid for the stuff and we went back in the car,then my mom forgot something in the store and went back in and i was trying to spot the Ufo everyone saw a few days earlier.Then me and my mom went home,again I was listening to my blink album,when we got home i ran in caz it was heat lightning out and put the sodas away.Then i went upstairs and watched 3 sisters on Nbc at 945pm,then i played my Zelda MM game again and got a few more heart pieces(june0801atm)then i got washed up went offline and watched the real world new york,then friends and frasier i fell asleep at 1250am.



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