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2001-10-31 - 11:13 p.m.

Today was great got up it was our usual cloudy fall day.I had to go to middlesex today to make up a reading test i missed.I got ready and around 9am and my mom was sleeping,my dad drove me to mcc.i had to help my dad get to mcc,I got to mcc and it was cold out,cloudy out and orange leaveseverywhere (disneyworldatm+mccatm+lttlatm)i still felt like I was in disneyworld so i didnt feel any pressure,I went in and there was a typing class going on so I waited and then took it it was very easy.Afterwards my dad picked me up and we went to my grandmom k's house to pick up my dog winslo.We told her about the wdw trip and she gave me some candy like reeses!!.we put winslo in the car and it felt so good to see him,We got home and i told my mom about our ride.then i took my pill and got some wdw info online and i ate the candy grandmom k got me.Then i paintshopped these wdw pics after having lunch.Soon enough it was time for dinner,i came down(greatadventurewdwatm)and got set up i watched pti and dismissed and showed my parents my wdw pics.Then I was off to class at east brunswick highschool.When i got there i went in and did the work,afterwards i walked around and my parents picked me up and we went home when i got home,I read more about the theme park accidents and watched more tv while eating my blowpops.Then i watched the dbacks yankees game,I watched it and it was a very exciting game i watched the yankees battle back,I was also reading stuff from that theme park accident site which was intresting.After that i watched some yankee magic as the yankees beat the dbacks with a clutch run by jeter!!!I got ready for bed and finished my candy off then i watched tv,soon enough i fell asleep.



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