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2002-07-08 - 11:39 p.m.

Today was good got up came down had breakfeast took my pill and went online.I was online surfing the net alittle bit,after awhile I brought the green bucket to the street,soon enough my mom left since she had an appointment with the eye doctor,i remained online thinking of ways to get in touch with mockyoly,so i went to 1800 us search and i did a search using my credit card,i found no results and after i was done i put it away,my dad also came home from work.Alittle while later my mom calls on the phone the second time and she is shaken up i come downstairs heavily concerned,my dad gets off and tells me my mom thinks the doctor thinks her eye is severly bad,so i start to go nuts and panic like i haven't in years(smmr97whenmymomgotstungbytherabitbat)so i scream,and she calls back and i scream and my dad can barely hear the call so i go outside to release tension,my dad calls me in to tell me she's going to be alright i am instantly relived,apparently my mom just needs a routine cardio,i also relized my mom overreacts when she gets a papercut so i went online and soon enough she came home,we consoled her but her negative mood was dampering the clear beautiful day outside,i go back online and surf the net for pics til dinner,i come down and eat while watching my shows then i take my pill and go online(slight0407).After awhile online i watch my wb11 and WWE raw,my mom soon goes up online still alittle shaken up,i console her and raw ends i have a snack,get washed up and go to bed.



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