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2002-09-03 - 11:30 p.m.

Today was good got up around 11ish came downstairs and i had poptarts for breakfeast as i told my mom about my toystore bowling alley dream,after breakfeast I went upstairs online to my usual sites,I also took my pill.I surfed the net looking at celeb pics then wacking while listening to Jimmy Eat world's the middle,soon enough my dad came home from work,at this point i was doing some writing online,I came downstairs where i went outside and brought the garbage out then I came in and went back online after talking with my mom.I was surfing more of my usual sites.After looking through my bookbag I snuck a pepsi upstairs where i ate my cheezits while watching Pokemon jlc and reading this NFL preview 2002 paper I was also shocked my mom was across the street talking to our neighboors,i guess she cleared the air with them.Then i went back online.Then around 530 i watched Cosby,Family Matters(the one where Urkel goes into space)and Pti,I really enjoyed the topics discussed on Pti today,then it was time for dinner,i came down,got my tray set up in the living room.For dinner we had steak and orange potato,since the steak was in sause i didn't use any ketchup,my dad and mom were debating back and forth which got alittle annoying,but i ignored it as I read my Nfl Preview 2002 paper,dinner was good after dinner I was bloated from the food,my dad wanted to give me a shave but he made me wait so i waited,then we was ready so I went into the bathroom,he wet my face put the shaving cream on and he peacefully shaved half of my side burns off,all this time i am smiling in my mind about the gray hair that is spreading on his head anyway my dad then shaves my goate he the right amount but has problems getting this one strand but luckily he does,after my shave I went and took my pill with the rest of my cocacola from dinner then I went upstairs online where I am now.Online I surfed my usual sites and i did some writing too,then I went in my room as i watched my Tuesday night shows(back to back according to jim,baseball)i also ate my shocktarts my mom got me,then i went back online briefly,I then got ready to take my bath,every year the day before school i take one to be clean.I brought my pjs and everything down(sep98atm+jul02atm)then my dad tells me our red car wasn't working so i think he was driving my mom to the store or something,so i went in the tub,as usual my mind was fast paced for the first day of school but my body was slow paced for it,i laid in the bathwater relaxing with my eyes closed for awhile then i washed up and soon enough i got out,then i went upstairs and got dressed,my parents were already home at this time plus i got dressed.I went online and wacked then i watched baseball tonight,and my nick at nite shows(cosby show,cheers)my mom also went online.After awhile I had some peanut butter tasty cakes as a snack while watching my shows then i quickly looked at some younger pics of myself.Alittle while later my mom called me down to clean out my backpack so i took the papers from my last 2 semesters and stuffed them upstairs then i came down,my dad put the stuff on my face but my mom was looking through my notebooks combined that and our red car messing up and my parents were arguing so until they stopped i sat on the 4th to top stair then i came down finished up and went upstairs,i kept watching my nick at nite shows i also kept looking at some young pics of myself,then i came downstairs and i ate my four cheese hot pocket in the dining room while reading my Nfl 2002 preview paper then i went back upstairs looked at some young pics of myself and i fell asleep.



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