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2002-08-13 - 11:50 p.m.

Today was good got up at 11ish my mom was worried caz she found a cricket in her bed so she left and i made believe i flushed it down the toilet and instead let it go outside but i didnt have breakfeast I faked it,i went online after getting dressed and surfed the net.Alittle while later i went outside and brought the green bucket in the yard and i took my pill and went back online.Online i again was doing some writing for awhile.After my pill wore off i remained online til my dad came home.I greeted him.Then i went back online with my diaryland site,i also listened to smash mouth while wacking.Then i came down and my mom and me left for shoprite since we needed a lot of fluids,we get in and i put in the 4 waters in my wagon(we had seperate wagons)then we go and i put in 2 cocacolas and 1 sprite then i leave my wagon and i wander the store a bit trying to find where the car wagons were.I walked around awhile then i found my mom got my wagon and pepsi blue and loaded our stuff on,i bagged everything except my mentos,then i loaded everything in the car for my mom and ate my mentos on the way home,when we got home my mom opened the side door,keep in mind the heal index was 105,i carried about 3 pounds of water and then soda at a time so as i put it on our living room sofa,and then i put the last bags in and i was beat from the heat.Then i put the sodas in the frig then 1 by 1 i brought my waters up,then i went back online.I was researching jewish celebs til dinner,then i came down and we had steak,it was pretty good i ate it while watching home improvement as i drank my delicious Pepsi Blue,then after dinner i went up and watched Pti as i did some other stuff online,soon enough i came down and took my pill and i went to some other sites for awhile then as my pill wore off i looked at younger pics of me,then i came downstairs and bonded with my dad for 20 minutes.Afterwards I brought the cans and buckets to the curb.After i did that i dipped my head in the pool to cool off and i went back upstairs,i was online awhile,i logged off at 9ish,i watched the gilmore girls then i watched my cheers the rebecca years marathon on nick at nite while my mom went online.First i had regular skittles then I came down and had a mr p's pizza which i ate upstairs then i came down and had a nestle crunch ice cream bar then i had a scorintinos pizza and fell asleep after briely working out.



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