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2001-12-02 - 11:21 p.m.

Today was good,got up early and me and my dad went to church,mass was good,when we got home i ate my hotcakes while reading the nfl section of the paper,then i went upstairs and my mom woke up.I took my pill and the Patriots-jets game started,i watched it in my room while listening to my bjs britney album(i did this for the whole game like i did 2 yrs ago)i enjoyed the game but the jets lost,after alittle minor yellow alert my mom came back from the store,my dad's Cowboys were playing the Redskins,I came down and i heard my mom's new disneyworld music box and i broke out in tears,i would cry for 40 minutes on the couch while my parents were consoling me,i was crying becaz i was concerned we wouldnt get to wdw,then i went upstairs and drew dinner came i came down and ate and took my pill and teased my dad's team.Then i watched nfl primetime.Soon enough my 49ers came on i watched us blow the bills out in the first then i took a bath i came back up and we beat the bills 35-0 i was stokes i had a snack went online a bit logged off and went to bed.



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