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2002-04-01 - 11:43 p.m.

Today was good got up came down and had breakfeast then i took my pill and went online awhile,I also played my new Mario Kart Advanced and i liked it,i played it for awhile but i was mostly online surfing for my biology project pics of power plants for my lab group and i printed them out,I also watched mlb opening day baseball it was refreshing seeing it again,my dad came home alittle while later from work and soon enough i logged off and came down for dinner,after dinner i got washed up and got packed then i took my pill and my mom and me were off to college bio,on the way I was playing my new Mario Kart Advanced,getting further I enjoyed playing it,then we got to college my mom dropped me off,it was sunny out and i went in playing my mario kart advanced in the hallway then in class,my lab partners Ed and Joe came in and we exchanged our bio project pics then i played my mario kart advanced til class started,today we took notes on Osmois and water,professor perry was trying to play an april fools joke on us by mixing the definitions up,after bio ended my mom picked me up and drove me home,then she stopped off at shoprite meanwhile i was listening to my tlc song Fanmail,it captured the growing love between me and mockoly then when i got home i played my mario kart advanced some more got washed up logged off and watched my nick at nite while eating my snack along with WWF raw,then i worked out and went to bed.



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