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2002-08-11 - 11:14 p.m.

Today was good got up 11ish(my dad was working first shift today)and got ready for church,my mom wasnt as rushy as my dad was,my mom dropped me off at the 12pm mass and i went in,after one change i sat in the middle,mass went good and was very educational,at the end they had these missionaries from Tanzenia talk about women's rights.After mass my mom and me went taco bell i ordered chalupas i also was fooling around with my dog winslo and my bird rocky,when i got home i ate 2 chalupas and I took my pill and went online to my older diaryland entries and 80s tv themes site,i also looked at some of my old college books,then my dad came home from work and i soon came down and quickly greeted him,i also brought the recylbles out.I continued online til i helped my mom with her bags from shoprite then i came down for salad,then dinner was ready,we had baked zitti it was good i ate it and drank my coke while watching the little league world series missouri-iowa match while my parents were arguing alittle,then i took my pill and finished up and i went back online to my sites,after more time online i wacked listening to smash mouth online music for awhile,then i came down for my sour skittles which i ate upstairs,then i got off and watched my cheers diane years marathon on nick at nite and did some writing,i also looked at my younger pics.soon enough i had a chalupa and my mom put the stuff on my face.Then i go into bed and my throat hurts so i put mineral ice on it,bad move fearing it would poision me i ran downstairs(its now 2am)and went in my bathroom and washed my neck off with these diffrent soaps then i went into bed and i tossed and turned and fell asleep an hour later



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