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2002-08-07 - 11:43 p.m.

Today was good got up greeted my mom then I greeted my dog winslow and my mom soon got up and made me microwave pancakes,they were good,after I was done I took my pill and went upstairs online.Online I looked over my older diaryland entries and some pic sites.I also had to go out to bring the garbage bag and recybles out and i went back online.After spending some time online i typed up a few practice essays since I was going to get tutored later and got ready and soon enough my mom and me headed for Middlesex county college,on the way I was listening to Nsync's celebrity album,it was a cool windy day.My mom also gave me some pointers in the car for my essay,i was just happy to be back at mcc.When I got there my mom asked this new student fro directions to East Hall,then my mom convinced a cop to let her park in the teacher's parking lot and she dropped me off and I went to the tutoring room,i signed in and this woman went over my practice essay with me,it really needed help so after giving my essay alittle constructive critisim i went the computer to redo it,then the english 009 class came in,typical Mcc students,of course I am alittle shy,I finished my essay in 33 minutes,I thought I was you know who and I wasnt sure so I stared at the near screen saver,luckily i found out it wasn't you know who.Anyway I added more to my essay and after an hour in a half,i went out and my mom told me to wait,so i sit and wait,and then class ends and a diffrent woman tutor helps me with my paper,she was good,she was a young teacher so she helped me and i was curtius and polite.After she told me what to do she gave me a sheet and I left and my mom and me headed home,on the way home i told my mom about my class and other small talk and I read the sports section of the paper,i was excited when we got home as I am after going to mcc,i played with the bird,told my dad about my class,wacked,took my pill and went online now where I await dinner.My mom came back with the burger king and I got set up in her room and my dad came back from shoprite,he whitnessed a fist fight in shoprite(first time ever)between this huge black guy and rican guy so my dad was describing the details of it to us,then i talked alittle and ate my bkquarter pounder while watching friends on tbs and some baseball i also was drinking was my medium choclate shake,after i was done i went upstairs online(i finished my shake off)and i surfed some Avril sites,after that I wacked off while listening to bsbs music online,yatayata i went back to my 80stvtheme site and my mom came back from the store and gave me sour skittles,her and my dad also spent time watching big brother 3.Around 10ish i logged off and watched the exciting end of the A's-Redsox game where i saw a webgem by A's outfielder Terrance Long.After watching baseball my dad called me down,the Dallas Cowboys training camp was on hbo(reality show my dad is a huge cowboy yet it was his first time seeing his team in training camp thanks to the miracle of reality tv he finally did)so I watched an hour of it with him in the family room,it was ok there were a lot of pranks and you could tell the young players struggled with the new offense,i was just anazlyzing some of the players but the good part is I got to see the Cowboy cheerleader camp on tv,after it was over i snuck up a hotpocket with a sprite and ate n drank them perspectively upstairs watching the Braves Dbacks game then I had another sprite,too bad Arizona won,then i was trying to catch a noisy fly in my closet so I shined the light in it and stayed there awhile to no avail then I showed my mom a trick where I put the flashlight in my mouth in the dark and my face turns glowing red,she was impressed after she went down i went online breifly before watching sportscenter,after that I fell asleep.



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