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2001-05-19 - 10:21 p.m.

Today was a good day.Got up had waffles and then went online.My moms friend will be coming in Monday so she made me clean my room so I did.Then i went back online only soon to have to help my dad move the bird cage outside.They let the bird run free in our house.So I blocked his entrance.Then I went online and was looking at pictures of littleton colo(since i'll be going there in 02-99)i got a mt atms.Anyway i liked the scenery so i looked.Then looked at myself in the mirror.It was time to get my haircut.Keep in mind I hadnt had my haircut since the Superbowl,my hair was long(like cp3 andy barclays)but i decided to grow it long for braids in the fall)so I went waited for 20 minutes then I finally went they washed my hair cut it and shaved it.I now had a shaved sides ceaser cut.So i came home showed my dad.He laughed and i went online.I also played some mk 4.Then it was time to eat porkchops i got some hp from the meat. then i helped my dad put up a garden fence.Then i went back online and I watched home alone.Then it was time to take our ride(after i surfed for sequel news)so it was cloudy out we took our Pa-Sewaren ride.Got french fries and a shake and then came home I listened to my music watched tv.Then I tried to go to bed and finally did at 230 am i forgot to take my motrin im fine now.



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