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2001-09-28 - 11:05 p.m.

Today was good got up around 11am(still in dream mode)came down and had cpt crunch for breakfeast.Then I went back upstairs and watched alittle Jerry Springer.Then i said hi to my dad.I went online then to my usual sites for awhile.Then around 12pm I came down and took my pill and put in 2 remaining pizza hut pizzas for lunch.I ate them while my parents were arguing so i went outside then went in my room online.I also watched alittle mtv.Soon enough my dad left for work and my mom was on the phone with the airline company so I put the fan on and surfed some diva picture sites for a good amount of time before logging off and watching tv and having cookie and milk.Then I watched some trl.Me and my mom then went to blockbuster since they got my mickey speedway usa in.So I went in and they were taking so long looking for it but luckily they found it and they apologized then i went back home,Since my old id i had for 4 years isnt good enough for the new airlines standards my mom told me i had to go and get a new one(pout)then i stayed online,it was cloudy out.Then I read my MoMSAt books before playing alittle MSUsa.Then my mom told me i had to go shoprite with her I flipped caz I didnt know we needed more soda,as we were leaving the black guy next door whom moved in last september with the mother and her 17 and 11 yr old girls who used to swim here and my mom had been annoyed with but recently befriended told her he had 2 cousins killed in the youknowwhat 2 weeks ago,eventually i caved in a went to shoprite,I lifted the soda and something else(and snuck the shoprite candies)then I read the wrestling magazines.Then i loaded the bags and said hi to this kid i knew from gym.Then as my mom was chatting with the heavy woman behind us I loaded the bags in the car and me and my mom went home and i put the stuff away and ate my shocktarts upstairs.I then went back online and chatted til dinner.My mom was arguing with delta since they screwed up our flight reservations i annoyed her caz I kept asking her what was going on.Then i took my pill ate my grilled cheese while watching growing pains and went upstairs(i was subdated)then my mom and me forgot the petty arguements and i wacked then I played msusa before playing 30 minutes of Mortal Kombat trilogy then i quit and went online where I am now.After awhile online I got off and watched Sabrina in Austrailla after the movie I surfed for pics about it and wacked.Then I surfed for more pics before logging off and watching Tv.I was playing alitte MsUsa then I quit and then my dad came back from work I came down and greeted him and got washed up then I went into bed watched some tv and listened to my music I fell asleep around 123am.



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