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2002-09-04 - 11:28 p.m.

Today was good got up around 1040am,this was my first day of fall classes at Mcc.I came downstairs and I had my cinnamon grahams cereal for breakfeast,soon enough I washed my face and then i got alittle butterflies in my stomach as i went upstairs,i got dressed then I went downstairs before bringing my dog winslo out then i came in and I also brought the green garbage back in the yard in addition to putting the garbage in it,then I got my backpack ready,i searched all through my room for my wallet to no avail so i came down,took my pill and me and my mom left for mcc in the blue car since our other car is being fixed.ON the way i was relaxed from my pill,I was listening to my NSYNCC album the whole way,I was hoping i would run into you know who at college today,so my mom and me stop to get gas,when we got to college my mom drove around looking for Main Hall(where my alegbra class was)then she dropped me off,you could tell it was the first day of school,I went in with a combination of excitement and nervouseness,i went in and i found the class in a minute,i was one of the last ones to arrive so i took a seat in the front row,the teacher was like Jeff Goldblum,he went on for the full 2 hours about everything you could imagine about diffrent numbers(negative numbers,integers)i was shy so i was like stone not even noticing any fellow students,i took about 3 in a half pages of notes.Finally when class ended i went out and walked around alittle bit inside Main Hall to pass the time while leaving my mom some messages on my cell,then i got some mike n ikes before going outside,the campus was crowded with students almost like a Six Flags on a weekend it also felt like spring out(apr02mccatm)so I walked around Lamadeu Hall and i went outside then i went back around and my mom picked me up,on the way i told her about class as i ate my mike n ikes,we had to go to a car place in amboy to meet up with my dad,my mom drove around amboy alittle bit including parking by the victory bridge and the car place to wait for him when that didn't work she drove around more,then she spotted him,this was my second time at that car place as i went there before 2 in a half years ago.I got in the back and my dad went in the front,on the way home my dad was occasionaly tongue lashing my mom whenever she made a bad turn so to combat that i would listen to my NSYNCC album,when we got home i got in a brief arguement with my parents over my algebra homework but even though it was only first day homework i did it in the living room,i breezed through it and i went online,after going to my usual sites i went on the 80s tv themes site where like earlier this year i listened to the commericals for awhile,it was enjoyable.After doing that for awhile my mom called me down,she didn't know how to start the blue car so she needed me a guy who knows nothing about cars to jump start the car from under the hood so i try twice to no avail so i tell my dad and he agrees to do it so i go in and wash my hands before going back online to my 80s tv themes site,i listened to more stuff as i got into it again,then i came downstairs,my dad and mom asked to use the computer and i permitted them to so they went upstairs online and i went outside,it was your typical early september day as it was partly cloudy with the sun glaring down,I got my beat up baseball and pitched it against the tree in the yard a few times but after one pitched i couldnt find it so I settled on doing something i did 3 years ago,pitching tomatoes against our white shed i did it twice and got bored so i went in,then i had a pleasant cat and mouse mind game with my dog winslo with his toys i also caught the end of pti,after i was starved my parents finally got off the computer i set my tray up in the living room and washed my hands and as usual got my pepsi,for dinner we had salisbury steak i ate it while reading my nfl 2002 preview papers,then when i finished i ate up my 2 orange potatos which were filling then i took my pill and went online where I am now.Well online i surfed my sites,my dad wanted me to watch Nfl Tonight with him but i declined since it was a repeat,soon enough i went in my room and listened to my smash mouth again,i really got psyched listening to it,when i was done i went back to my usual sites like,then i went downstairs,my parents who were at the store just came back arguing of course,i went back up and listened to my 80stvthemes again.Then i logged and i watched my nick at nite shows(cosby show,cheers)while eating my cheezits and drinking my pepsi,then my mom went online.After writing alittle bit i greeted my mom,she was stressed about the chain of bad luck but she cheered up slightly,then i went downstairs for some apple pie,I cut off a pretty big piece and i ate it in the living room while drinking my welch's grape juice,when i was done i put my pie in the garbage and for the next 25 minutes i stayed downstairs in a depressed mode with the 80s tv jingles in my head,how i missed the old days(mid 80s)when i was done i came back upstairs and i watched my nick at nite shows I also looked at some young pics of myself.Then I watched the A'S royals game,i wanted to see the A's extend their winning streak to 20,the royals came back i was worried the A's would lose as the last few innings were nail biters but a October Yankee esque moment occured the A's Scott Hattebeg hit a walkoff homerun in the bottom of the 9th to give the A's the victory and the Al Record shattering 20th win in a row,i was ecstatic just like i was when Bonds broke Mcgwire's record,i watched the post game show then i told my mom downstairs,i also had some chocolate milk before my mom put the stuff on my face then i fell asleep.



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