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2001-11-01 - 9:22 p.m.

Well I know its been awhile since I last wrote in my online diary let me update.I got back from Disneyworld in November where i spent the month paintshopping old disneyworld rides and getting into a disney atmosphere,3 years after my first jog i jogged around my neighborhood and printed out old tv scheds.I really started to get into YCDTOTV again I listened to the theme over and over again,poured slime over my head and I also made a custom tape of all disneyworld sounds,On November 28th I celebrated my 23rd birthday,my grandmom and Uncle MIke came over we ate i spent most of the time online and then I opened my gift A GAMECUBE i was so excited,of course my mom made me read the book about it then my dad hooked it up,and my mom took me to Applebeas the day later where i was so relaxed,Towards the end of November(disney nost month)I started to recreate April 9th,I'd go outside and walk around with my walkman and listen to the disneyworld sounds in the unusally warm winter weather then i would come in drink some choclate milk and watch my new favorite shows Raising dad and reba 2 roseanne esque shows which will be a big hit this decade,in early dec I went back on Paxil and one day I after my dad went to work I played my luigis mansion did my sceds and me and my mom went to the christmas thing in Bayhead this indian guy was mean to my mom and it ruined the night but me and my mom did the same bayhead xmas thing as usual,on the wy home i listened to my music and bought the new britney album and had my mcdonalds,I also became obsessed with Chernobyl(accident that happened 15 years ago)and I bought Now thats what I call christmas album and listened to it to get into the christmas spirit,I contined to play luigis mansion a very awsome unique game.Christmas was good I went to church then came home and opened my gifts(smash brothers melee and a scanner)since most of december i was painshopping pictures like mad,on new years eve me and my friend MIke went to see a movie(not another teen movie)we enjoyed it and my parents and i did our usual celebration.January was awsome.



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