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2001-04-05 - 10:07 p.m.

Today was pretty good,as usual I got up ate rice crispes and went to my college classes at the h.s,afterwards I came home and had a pizzapocket.Afterwards I engaged in a game of Perfect Dark,it is kinda hard to understand it.Then I was off to see my counsler Jeb Daker.He ran a support group I went to 2 years ago and he helps me with my social anxiety disorder.So anyway I told him bout it and he helped me,then I went home and played my diddykong and Mario 64 game.Right now I await dinner.It smells good.Well I had meatballs for dinner afterwards I watched some t.v and went upstairs.Then after surfing the net for awhile I for the second day in a row went to blockbuster and rented a movie and WCW Halloween Havoc 98(wrestling I wanted to see the hogan-warrior rematch)then i watched some of it,went to some football sites and went to bed.



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