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2001-04-27 - 11:38 p.m.

Today was ok.I got up had my cereal and went to h.s.When I got home I went upstairs and had my snack and watched some Tv.Then I went on my pc for alittle while.I was getting bored.So i switched between my pc and tv for most of the first 2 hours.Then my dad came home and it was off to Shoprite to help my mom with the bags.I looked around little I was really tired being since I stayed up til 1am.I read some mags and help my mom pick out food.So after we left shoprite I came home and helped my mom with the bags and went back on my pc.Then I had dinner.I had turkey again with those cranberrys and I watched Tv.Now I am back upstairs on my pc.Well then it was off to take our ride.So we got in the car and first went to the perth amboy waterfront then we went to Sewaren only i looked at more of the factory scenery than normal.The sky was dark blue and it was a eerie yet beautful site of the sky and the factories so we went by the Sewaren waterfront.Then we went through downtown Perth Amboy to South amboy now I got a cool industrial atmosphere going from Perth Amboy to South Amboy along the water since there was construction going on.I was listening to my otown music and recalling some old MMC memories and old memories of me by the waterfronts.Then we went by the SA waterfront then coming home i got this 80s atmosphere it was cool,Then we went to Burger King and I got a medium milkshake and came home.When I came home I listened to more of my music went on my pc surfed it alittle bt and listened to my music again i had to put more battaries in though.I wathced half of the Heat-Hornets game and I was reall happy the Hornets upset the Heat.Then I had a snack,listened to my music and went to bed.



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