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2002-08-19 - 1134 p.m.

Today was good got up around 11ish came down and i had cinnamon toast crunch for breakfeast then i teased my dog alittle,soon enough i talked alittle with my mom,then i was about to take my pill and it fell on the floor I didn't want to get a new one but my mom was going to make me take it so i briefly bolted luckily my mom and me cleared the air,i took my pill finally and i went upstairs playing my Nfl Blitz 2003,i played a few games then i went online,i surfed my usual sites for alittle while,then i brought the garbage out and i skimmed the pool and went in back upstairs online,now i was at my diaryland site(nov01atm).Soon enough my dad came home from work,he didnt know what i did to my mom but that was in the past.My dad brought a camcorder home,i was shocked but happy,he bought it so he could tape our disneyworld trip in october last time i saw a camcorder was at my 14th birthday party,so i walked around the house with it testing it and it felt so cool to have on i love technology,then i gave it back,soon enough my mom and me left for amboy,we parked and got out we walked across the street after we parked since there were this guy throwing stuff from his apt to another guy,this trip to amboy was like last years trip,same stores(clothing stores)i tried on 3 pairs of shorts at one store then my mom and me went to the usual stores,after that we briefly walked through amboy mall,there was a lot of spanish music playing in these stores but it was cool i bought a new set of headphones at a electronics store while catching a quick glimpse of pokemon on the tvs, then we went and picked up the shorts and my mom and me headed home on the way i was listening to my hlatn,then we got home i got my stuff and ate dinner,we had pork rolls for dinner i was watching pti as usual it was clear out too,I listened to some music then i went outside and listened to my otown for awhile after brinking the green garbage to the curb and i came in and did the same,then i watched some tv with my dad and talked and had pleasant uplifting convos,then i took my pill and went online to my diaryland site i was on there then my dad came back from the store after i turned the hose off,me and my dad watched the first quarter of the 49ers-broncos preseason game(sep01+nov01+jan02atm)i was still relaxed yet fast paced from my pill,i enjoyed watching the game my dad and me talked then i went upstairs after getting my shocktarts from my mom.Raw started i enjoyed this Raw a lot,from the awsome mud match to the Shawn Micheals coming out and beating up 2 heals(Lesner and HHH)made it a good show,I cheered for Shawn MIcheals the same way I cheered for the Rock last year(see)I also had a celeste pizza plus I wacked.Around that time I also played my nfl blitz 2003 again then I had 3 puddings while watching my cosby show marathon on nick at nite,soon enough i looked at some younger pics of myself then i showed my mom my nfl blitz 2003 game,soon enough she went down and i washed up then i listened to my huey lewis and the news again as i wacked then fell asleep.



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