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2002-08-08 - 11:16 p.m.

Today was good my mom woke me up around 1120ish I came down faked my breakfeast and had cookies and milk upstairs in my room.Then I brought the grass buckets to the curb,After I was done I went online alittle and came down and took my pill.I teased my bird alittle and vacumed,After that I went back online looking at some older diaryland entries and did other stuff.As time went on I surfed and went to pic sites but i was mostly on my diaryland site,soon enough my dad came home but I remained online until 4ish i came down and played some of my recorded tapes before going back online til dinner,then I came down we had ziti for dinner along with bread I ate it while watching Ugio,I finished it quickly where I went back upstairs online and for the next hour listened to some great alt music songs while wacking,then after i was done once again I had to turn the hose on for my mom and I took my pill and now I am back online after watching a clip from Fresh prince.Well after listening to some music online and wacking I turned the hose on for my mom then,I watched alittle Raymond while writing some diaryland archives,after that I go to watch smackdown and I find out they delayed it til Saturday and had the Jets-Steelers preseason game on so I watched alittle of it but i was mostly online doing some writing for awhile.Then I came down and greeted my parents quickly and then i logged off and my mom went online,I then took a bath for awhile,it was alittle relaxing,and i even heard the crickets outside,then i got out of the bath and put my pjs on and then i brought my coke and sour skittles up while watching friends,I drank my soda first then i had my sour skittles while writing down some future plans of mine,after that I watched the Cosby Show marathon(some later fine episodes)i also watched baseball tonight,after that i got washed up and after my mom got offline i went on briefly,then i watched a mini cheers marathon from the mid 80s before falling asleep.



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