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2001-09-13 - 11:51 p.m.

Today was good got up early for school,had breakfeast,got washed up took my pill and me and my mom were off to the college,I went to class it was like last weeks class i forgot to staple by homework,after class and when we got hom i put my stuff away then I went online while my mom was cleaning out the closet.I went to my usual sites my dad also came home.Then my mom went out and I after watching tv in my room while eating cookies and working on my maps i went downstairs and played alittle football outside and read my mysteries of mind,space and time books for about 35 minutes,then my mom came home and i went to shoprite with her,i put the soda and milk in the cart for her and we paid for the stuff and i brought it to the car and unloaded it.THen she came back in and i had my shocktarts in the car and we came home.When we got home I watched some more tv and went online until dinner,then i came down and got set up and took my pill,for dinner we had pizza,i also watched tv.After that i went upstairs,then me and my mom went to blockbuster,we got there and i looked around like normal and picked out a baseball game and a wwf movie and we after the lady was trying to find a movie i brought back gave us the rental after we paid for it,then me and my mom went home i listened to my music til we got there.When we got home I got my hot pocket ready but the wwf movie was broken so i had to settle for rewinding my nfl tape and watching nick at night,then i went upstairs and watched a diffrent strokes marathon,then i got washed up for bed,said goodnight and went into bed,after the marathon was over i listened to some of my old school songs and i fell asleep around 120am.



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