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2002-04-04 - 11:00 p.m.

Today was good got up got washed up got packed,took my pill and my mom and me were off to college algebra,on the way i was listening to my music and trying to convince my mom not to tell my dad about my bad report,i go into algebra and we take a test using our graphic calculators,after the test professor drew previewed polynomials with us i took minimal notes,after class my mom picks me up and we head for my grandmom k's,well in Amboy my dad calls my mom on her cell and he is angry,he found out I got the bad report for my classes from my counsler who left a message on our machine,my dad goes nuts screaming at her to put me on the phone so he could yell,I am crying the rest of the way down and my mom tries to clear everything up with my dad to no avail.So she hangs up and we go into my grandmom k's house,we greet her and we tried to masque the bad day,she gave us stuff and we left then my mom and me picked up the Pizzone at pizza hut and we get home and my dad starts his toungue lashing at me making me feel even worse,i am upset and worried while i am eating my pizzone pizza which was good,my dad informed me admist the rage my niners signed Tony Parrish but he still was angry with me,so after lunch i am forced to do my algebra homework downstairs,i do it for an hour then i go online til dinner i come down and creep around my dad got a couple small shots in right as i started to eat,after dinner i took my pill and went online.After i logged off my mom went on and it was sort of cleared,i watched my nick at nite shows for alittle while.Then i wacked had the rest of my pizzone worked out and went to bed.



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